113上 實作專題成果展暨獎勵須知

為鼓勵本系學士班學生積極參與實作專題研究,提升專題品質, 並提供互相切磋觀摩之機會,特訂定本辦法。

每組學生以五人為上限,限 EE3910 實作專題二修課學生報名參加。

 評分項目  實作專題成果展  指導教授評量
 初審  複審
 成績比例  30%  10%  60%

  • 「未參加成果展」者無法獲得成果展成績。
  • 「未晉級複審」及「晉級後放棄參審」的組別無法獲得複審分數,複審應全組成員到場參與。


  • 【報名】請以「組」為單位,於實作專題系統 ( https://implementation.ee.nthu.edu.tw ) 填寫組員基本資料
    1. 報名頁面:點選實作專題系統選單「實作專題成果展」 → 「成果展報名」
    2. 登入帳號:學生請用學校的信箱帳號登入 (帳號使用 s + 學號 ;密碼即信箱密碼)。
    3. 僅需由組長(主要聯絡人)負責填寫全部組員資料, 組長信箱請儘量使用校內信箱或Gmail以防被擋信。
    4. 報名前,請先跟老師確認好「中/英文題目」、「組員聯絡資料」及「專題內容所屬主要領域類別」。 報名送出後,即無法自行線上修改,並且系統將寄出確認信件給指導教授。 如需修改,請聯絡管理員。
    5. 「海報解說競賽」為成果展附加項目,歡迎自由報名參加(如報名組數未超過門檻則取消舉行)。
    6. 待教授審核後,系統將審核結果寄出信件至組長並副本給組員。 若教授審核同意,即完成線上報名。 若教授不同意,請雙方溝通後再次進行報名。
    7. 報名截止時間前務必確認已收到審核完成信,如未收到請盡早和指導教授確認。

  • 【收件】請組長上傳「成果摘要」、「成果報告」、「海報」至實作專題系統:
    1. 成果摘要、海報為網頁公開資訊。
    2. 成果摘要、成果報告、海報格式請詳閱附件。
    3. 請上傳PDF檔。 檔案名稱: poster_組別.pdf (海報)、 summary_組別.pdf (成果摘要)、 report_組別.pdf (成果報告)。 例如: report_A01.pdf
    4. 上傳前,請先將摘要、報告及海報內容讓指導老師過目。
    5. 遲繳任何一個文件或檔案逾期一天扣初審分數一分(以最後更新時間為準),再次提醒各位不要遲繳。
    6. 為辨別專題創新性,請同學在報告中註明哪些部分是自己實際做、哪些部分為參考實驗室或網路來源;若未註明,審查委員將以較嚴格方式審閱。
    7. 報名表及檔案皆不須繳交紙本。
    8. 初審分數及海報解說競賽分數可初審結果公告後,可在成果展報名紀錄進行查看。


  • 晉級複審名單將公布於實作專題系統「最新公告」。當天將進行各組口頭報告及頒獎,活動資訊另行通知。
  • 每組口頭報告7分鐘,評審問答3分鐘,由出席教師進行評分,初審分數可於會後於成果展報名紀錄進行查看。
  • 簡報格式請詳閱附件。
日期 活動 內容
11/18(一)至11/25(一) 報名及收件 請依照「初審參加方式」報名及繳件
11/27(三)至12/6(五) 初審(書面審查) 依《國立清華大學電機工程學系實作專題成果展暨獎勵辦法》審查海報及成果報告。
12/2(一)至12/20(五) 初審(海報展) 歡迎觀覽及參與投票活動,投票至12/13(五)截止。
12/5(四) 海報解說競賽
  • 晚上6:30於台達館2樓走廊舉行,活動資訊另行通知。
  • 每組海報解說10分鐘,評審問答5分鐘,由博士生評審進行評分,前三名將於複審頒獎。(實體活動若未超過3組報名則取消)
12/13(五) 初審結果公布
  • 晉級複審名單將於「最新公告」公佈,各組初審結果請至成果展報名紀錄查看。
  • 晉級複審組別請依「複審參加方式」準備。
12/27(五) 複審(口頭報告) 線上舉行,進行方式會在複審名單公布時一併宣布。

得獎之組數將視參審組數、實際成果展成績調整,必要時得從缺。 獎金依該年度可分配預算及審查委員會決定。領獎方式由系辦另行通知。


  • 第一名:獎金 1,500 元/組、獎狀乙紙/人
  • 第二名:獎金 1,000 元/組、獎狀乙紙/人
  • 第三名:獎金 500 元/組、獎狀乙紙/人


  • 第一名:獎金 1,500 元/組、獎狀乙紙/人
  • 第二名:獎金 1,000 元/組、獎狀乙紙/人
  • 第三名:獎金 500 元/組、獎狀乙紙/人


  • 第一名:獎金 10,000 元/組、獎狀乙紙/人,共 1 組
  • 第二名:獎金 6,000 元/組、獎狀乙紙/人,共 1 組
  • 佳作獎:其他表現優異組別可獲精美小禮、獎狀乙紙/人
  • 以上獲獎組別有機會獲得系上推薦參加國內外實作競賽及隔年三月份電資院實作競賽。
職稱 姓名 聯絡方式
實作專題課程助教 陳欣妤 chenxy3838@gmail.com
系辦業務負責人 賴均旻 cmlai@ee.nthu.edu.tw
電機系網頁助教 網頁助教 nthu.ee105@gmail.com

2024 Fall, Notice on the Undergraduate Project Exhibition and Awards

Encourage students to actively participate in Special Topic on Implementation to enhance research quality and have an opportunity for discussions.

Each group is composed of one to five students taking the EE3910 Special Topic on Implementation(II) Course.

Grading rule of EE3910 Special Topic on Implementation(II):

 Grade Item  Undergraduate Project Exhibition of Practical work achievements  Advisor Score
 Preliminary Review  Secondary Review
 Percentage of Semester Grade  30%  10%  60%

  • Student who do not participate in the Achievement Exhibition will not receive grades for Achievement Exhibition.
  • Groups who fail to advance to the review and those who give up after promotion will not receive review points.
Method of Participation

Preliminary Review

  • Sign up: Each group is required to register on the Special Topic on Implementation System:
    1. Webpage link:
      Select " Exhibition Achievement " and "Sign Up" on the menu of Special Topic on Implementation System.
    2. Login:
      Account: "s+student number". Password: your school email password.
    3. Only the group leader is required to register for every group member. Please use the school email or Gmail as your contact email to prevent any mail blockage.
    4. Confirm the “Mandarin/English Topic”, “Group Members Contact Information”, and the “Major Category of the Topic Contents” with the advisor before submitting. The system will send a confirmation email to the advisor after submitting the form. The information cannot be modified online from your end. If there is any need for modification, please contact the Department Office.
    5. The Poster Presentation Contest is an additional activity. All groups are welcome to participate. The students will have the opportunity to give a 10-minutes presentation and a 3-minutes oral defense to Ph.D. student reviewers. The top 3 will get the prize on Secondary Review Day. (The contest will be canceled if there are not sufficient groups participating.)
    6. If the advisor approves your registration, the online sign-up is completed. If the advisor disapproves, confirm your sign-up information with your advisor before signing up again. The result of approval will be sent by mail to every group member.
    7. Check your email that you have received the approval letter before the sign-up deadline ends. If you have not received the letter, please contact your advisor soon.

  • Submission Guidelines: Each group is required to upload an abstract, a report, and a poster to the Special Topic on Implementation System:
    1. The abstract and poster will be released on the website in public.
    2. The format of the materials is attached. Attached File。
    3. Please upload PDF files with name as poster_[group_number].pdf (poster)、 abstract_[group_number].pdf (abstract)、 report_[group_number].pdf (report)。 For example: report_A01.pdf
    4. Confirm the content of materials with your advisor before uploading.
    5. Submit your materials on time. There will be a one-point deduction of the Preliminary Review score per day (on the basis of the last update time) for any delay in uploading the materials.
    6. Attribute your contribution, citation, and reference clearly and state whether they are from the members in the same laboratory of the advisor or from the Internet in your report for the purpose to confirm your contribution of the subject. The committee will review the materials more strictly if the contribution and references are not clearly stated.
    7. Hard copy is not required.
    8. The result of the Preliminary Review and the Poster Interpretation Contest can be released on the sign-up record.

Secondary Review

  • A number of groups will be selected as finalists and invited to participate in the Secondary Review. The list will be released in the “Latest Announcement” of the Special Topic on Implementation System. The presentation and award ceremony will be conducted on the Secondary Review. The details will be notified by mail.
  • In the Secondary Review Day, students will have an opportunity to give a 7-minutes presentation and 3-minutes oral defense to reviewers. The result will be announced on the same day and released on the sign-up record.
  • The format of the presentation is attached.
Contest Dates
Date Event Content
11/18-11/25 Sign-Up and Submission Please read part III. Method of Participation.
11/27-12/6 Preliminary Review The review of posters and achievements reports is conducted according to the “Guidelines for the Guidelines for the Undergraduate Project Exhibition results and Awards of the Department of Electrical Engineering, National Tsing Hua University”.
12/2-12/20 Poster Exhibition Welcome to view the poster exhibition and join the voting activity. Voting ends on 12/13.
12/5 Poster Presentation Contest
  • Start from 6:30 pm in Delta 2F Hall (in-person) or online.
  • Each group will have a 10-minute Poster presentation and a 5-minute Q&A session with the doctoral student judges, and the top three will be awarded after the review. (The event will be canceled if there are less than 3 groups of applicants.)
  • The detail will be notified by mail.
12/13 Announcement for the Results of Preliminary Review
  • Please read part III.
  • Method of Participation.
12/27 Secondary Review Day (Presentation) It will be held online, and the method of conduct will be announced along with the review list.
Exhibition Awards

The number of winning groups will be adjusted based on the number of participating groups and actual results. The amount of each award is based on the available budget for the year and by the Review Committee. The Department Office will notify the groups by email.

【Poster Exhibition Voting Prize】

  • First Place: NT$1,500 per group, one certificate per person.
  • Second Place: NT$1,000 per group, one certificate per person.
  • Third place: NT$500 per group, one certificate per person.

【Poster Presentation Prize】

  • First Place: NT$1,500 per group, one certificate per person.
  • Second Place: NT$1,000 per group, one certificate per person.
  • Third place: NT$500 per group, one certificate per person.

【Intermediary Competition Prize】

  • First Place: NT$10,000 per group, one certificate per person.
  • Second Place: NT$6,000 per group, one certificate per person.
  • Honorable Mention Award: For other participating groups with excellent performance, one certificate, and one gift per person.
  • The winning groups will have the opportunity to attend other domestic and overseas project competitions and the Project Competition of the College of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science in March of the following year.
Contact Information
Position Name Email
Teaching Assistant Chen, XIN-YU chenxy3838@gmail.com
Department Office Lai, Chun-Min cmlai@ee.nthu.edu.tw
Teaching Assistant for System Website TA nthu.ee105@gmail.com