實作專題成果展 組別名單 Group List of Undergraduate Project Exhibition
備註 Note:
- 本頁面僅列出「已通過」審核的組別 This page will only list the groups that passed the review.
- 成果報告 與 初/複審結果 僅限 組員、指導教授、管理員 可以查看 The report and the Initial/Secondary Review results are limited to the group member, advisors, and administrators.
組別 Group Number | 專題題目 Topic | 組員 Group Members | 指導教授 Advisor | 領域 Category | 解說 Poster Contest | 更新時間 Lastest Update | 識別碼 |
@{ group.groupNum } |
@{ group.subjectEn }
@{ group.subjectZh }
@{ aaHelper.getTypeAttribute(attachment.type, 'name', attachment.type) } |
@{ member.fullName } | @{ getMentorFullNameByUsername(group.mentor) } | @{ getFieldNameById(group.field) } | @{ group.uuid } |